Under 165lbs!

Finally broke through 165lbs. It was a little bit of a up and down battle for a few days but (for some reason) I dropped 2lbs from yesterday and am now at a comfortable 164.6lbs!


For those of you who don’t remember, my start weight (16 days ago) was 180.2lbs. I have been losing on average 0.9lbs a day.

Last time I was on Dukan (between August and September of this year) I lost at about 0.59lbs a day.

I will say it again… if you want to lose weight you have to EAT. Just make sure you are eating the right things, loads of protein, don’t overindulge in Greek yogurt and you will be fine! LOL.

Last night I went to pub night with my local University’s Celtic Club. Second pub night of the month. I felt a lot of pressure to drink at this one, especially since before I got serious about dieting I had told people I would be drinking at this event.

I stayed strong and drank a LOT of diet coke. Which is fine with me. On special occasions it’s something I allow myself, or if I have particularly strong cravings. Which I did.

I ALMOST ordered nachos… The nachos at the Dub are my absolute favourite… and my friends ordered some, and calamari, and poutine! OMG I COULD HAVE DIED! But I stayed strong. I can hardly believe I didn’t cave. But I didn’t! I am so proud.

The scale rewarded me this morning with a big (much needed) drop! So YESSIR! That sometimes doesn’t happen, right? You do all the right things, that are super difficult to do… and the scale goes up? Well, not this time baby!

Tonight I am working at a haunted house… I expect to be fully hoarse by tomorrow, but haunted house = no chances to cheat so that’s good. Another night taken care of. I can’t wait to see my weigh in tomorrow, I have been especially good today.

The closer I get to this hectic moving-weekend the more stressed I am and the more my cravings seem to consume my every thought…

Wish me willpower during this weekend! It’ll be over in no time, I know. Still.

I hope you are all successful and make good choices while I’m stressing about getting all my furniture and stuff out of Prawn’s parents place. A few of you have asked… and yes, ALL my stuff has indeed been at his parents place for the 2 months I have been living back at my parents.

He has given me a few rounds of clothing, otherwise it’s all still there. Including my kitten Titan, whom I have not seen in… the two months I have been kicked out.

So… needless to say I am so so so excited to get this whole moving thing done and out of the way and to START OVER once again with my life. Just a new chapter. Hydro is set up, borrowing a truck from my uncle… it’s happening. Finally.


10 thoughts on “Under 165lbs!

  1. Happy for you! Really happy and pleased for you that things are going your way again.

    I mentioned you in my post today, as well as the challenge project.


  2. Good job! I seem to get stuck for a bit every 10 pounds. I was at 165 for what felt like FOREVER and then it just started dropping again! It is the best feeling in the WORLD when that scale starts moving again in the right direction!

  3. Awesome job! If you need any assistance with contest prep or fat loss in general feel free to visit my blog or email me directly :)

  4. Congratulations on your persistence and dedication, you seem to be getting awesome results… However, 0,9 lb a day seems huuuuge. You are smaller now so keeping up that pace will be getting difficult. I am also on Dukan and I lose about 0,5 a day, if that. Taking things more slowly will most likely keep the cravings at bay.

    Good luck! I enjoy reading your blog.

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