Costs Associated With the Dukan Diet

I have been asked this by a couple readers, what are the costs associated with the Dukan Diet? I thought I had answered this well enough in my “Expensive Diet To Follow?” post, but I guess not.

It’s fine, I’ll try and make it clear here:

There are diets like Vi-shakes or Weight Watchers where you have to pay for the food, or for the meetings. This is not the case with the Dukan Diet.

You should (I seriously recommend this) purchase the Dukan Diet book. Baby blue cover, in Canada it has a plate on it. This has all the science behind the diet, recipes, information and guidelines written by Dr Dukan. You don’t have to purchase the other recipe books but if you like the diet maybe you should. I will be purchasing a recipe book that will be availlable in Canada March 27th. I know there are different versions depending where in the world you are from.

There is online coaching available through the Dukan Diet website.

I’m not a fan, I prefer to direct myself through the diet. You don’t need to do the online coaching and I’m not sure what the cost is but click the link above and you can find out for yourself.

There is a community of Dukan bloggers and facebookers who answer questions and help support me thorugh the diet. I’m sure if you are on twitter you could find some Dukanians there.

The above support groups are all FREE.

There is also a support network through the Dukan Website. I am not certain if you need to pay the online membership coaching fees (or whatever) to join them and ask questions. I have not asked.

So that’s it. You can find the book at Chapters, walmart (usually 30% off) or online. This is the only mandatory cost of the Dukan Diet.

Oh yea, and your food (of course) more on that in my expenses post.


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